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Drink Tea For Good Health

Updated: Feb 12, 2020

Tea drinking provides a cozy ritual and boosts your energy both mentally and physically. Tea has been well-acknowledged for its medicinal properties, which primarily come from antioxidants found in the natural leaves of the plant. You can drink tea all throughout the day to gain substantial health benefits.

Health Benefits


Some health benefits of tea come from the caffeine, some from the powerful antioxidant properties, and from many other constituents as well. According to researchers, the leading health benefits of tea stem from the antioxidants contained in tea leaves. Herbal teas and caffeine-free teas also provide high levels of antioxidants. Here are five benefits that you can enjoy from drinking tea.

5 Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

1. Protection against liver disease and cancer.

  • Tea is high in antioxidants, which help neutralize free radicals that can cause degradation to cells (associated with premature aging) and contribute to the development of some cancers. The antioxidants found in tea may be beneficial in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and may reduce the risk of liver cancer and death from chronic liver disease. According to the National Cancer Institute, the antioxidants of green tea may help to reduce tumor growth.

2. Possible decreased risk of dementia.

  • Caffeine has long been shown to stimulate brain activity, but new studies show that caffeine in tea may also protect against dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Some research has even suggested a possible correlation between tea consumption and decreased risk of Parkinson's disease. It may be the caffeine from the tea that protects against Parkinson's because decaf drinkers don't appear to have the same protection.

3. Lowered risk of type 2 diabetes.

  • Recent research indicates that polyphenols from tea consumption can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and help improve insulin secretion and sensitivity.

4. Protection from cardiovascular disease.

  • As studies suggest, the consumption of green tea may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Antioxidants in tea may offer protective effects on the vascular system.

5. Immune-boosting properties.

Concerns of high caffeine consumption apply equally to coffee and tea, but you'd have to drink many more cups of tea to ingest the same levels of caffeine. If you're drinking a cup of tea in the evening, you may want to opt for caffeine-free herbal tea or white tea. Both of which contain the lowest amount of caffeine, so as not to interfere with your sleep habits.

Overall it appears that various types of tea have excellent health benefits, so it's mostly a matter of personal preference as to which one you prefer to drink. It is best to drink organic loose leaf tea to avoid ingesting pesticides and other harmful substances.

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